The journey of wood

From natural and sustainable raw material to crates

Material from the past with a sustainable soul

Everything starts with the poplar, which is highly used in Italy's national wood industry. While poplars have always been cultivated for economic purposes, for several years now, it has also been recognised that it has significant environmental purposes, namely absorbing atmospheric carbon, purifying water in intensively farmed areas, and protecting the landscape and agricultural ecosystems.

The wood journey, from raw material to finished product

Logs from FSC-certified sustainable poplar plantations arrive at the sawmill.
The logs are cut into different shapes and dies using precision techniques implemented by skilled personnel.
The dies, held together by biodegradable staples, give shape to the various types of wooden crates.
Customisable with the company logo and also available with a lid.
The crates of equal shape and size are stacked and stored. They are ready for delivery.

Natural wood for environmentally compatible packaging

Nature transporting nature. This is what makes wooden packaging for fruit and vegetables the most sustainable and environmentally friendly packaging to date.

Berardi Imballaggi is one of a few companies with enough surface area to house the raw material directly in the sawmill. These are poplar trunks that will be transformed into environmentally compatible, safe, and certified wooden crates. Their majesty brings us face to face every day with the grandeur of nature, for which we have great respect and gratitude.

We have never used chemical and/or artificial processes when producing our wooden packaging, and we do not use additives or mixtures. We use wood in its most natural expression. In fact, it is shaped after being cut, without resorting to thermal treatments.

Various studies show the chemical and microbiological safety of wood surfaces when they contact fresh products (fruit, vegetables, fish, dairy products, etc.). Its porous surface ensures a greater antimicrobial effect and does not alter the organoleptic qualities of the foods, preserving their characteristics.

At Berardi Imballaggi, wooden crates for the fruit and vegetable industry are created entirely naturally, using the raw material, and protecting customers and the environment.

100% biodegradable wooden packaging

Maximum hygiene and sanitary safety

Our wooden packaging respects all requirements regarding hygiene and suitability for contact with food.


The FSC certification of our wooden packaging guarantees the use of wood from responsibly managed cultivation forests where a new tree is planted for each one that is cut down.


Berardi Imballaggi is associated with the Rilegno Consortium. All our wooden packaging is recycled to generate new packaging and give this precious raw material new life.

Berardi Imballaggi

Consortium member of:
Office hours:
Mon-Fri 06:30-12:30 14:30-17:00
Unloading hours: by 13:00
Via Don Primo Mazzolari, 7
70037 - Ruvo di Puglia (Bari) - Italy

Phone +39 080 361 26 38
Fax +39 080 360 07 68