
Grants and Subsidies from the PA

Transparency 2023

In reference to the transparency obligations set forth in Italian Law No. 124 of 2017, as amended, please note:

BERARDI SAS hereby states that:

During 2021, it took advantage of the following tax benefit:
- Reduction of energy costs directly calculated in the invoice, granting authority CSEA, in the amount of € 54,413.72, reference year 2021. It should be noted that, as of right now, it is impossible to determine the amount of the tax benefit obtained in 2022. The tax benefit for 2021 was published on 16 May 2023 on the Italian National Aid Registry under code CAR 2172.

During 2022, it took advantage of the following benefits:
- Tax credit per Italian Law 208/2015 amounting to € 132,750, granting body Italian Revenue Agency, authorisation date 29 September 2022, partly used in 2022;
- Tax credit per Italian Law 208/2015 amounting to € 97,415, granting body Italian Revenue Agency, authorisation date 13 September 2022, not used in 2022;
- Tax credit per Italian Law 208/2015 amounting to € 12,972, granting body Italian Revenue Agency, not used in 2022;
- Tax credits for energy-intensive companies Q1 2022, pursuant to Art. 15 Italian Legislative Decree no. 4 of 27 January 2022 in the amount of € 41,025; granting body Italian Revenue Agency; fully used in 2022;
- Tax credits for energy-intensive companies Q2 2022, pursuant to Art. 4 Italian Legislative Decree no. 17 of 01 March 2022 in the amount of € 33,957.54; granting body Italian Revenue Agency; fully used in 2022;
- Tax credits for energy-intensive companies Q3 2022, pursuant to Art. 6, p. 1 Italian Legislative Decree 115/2022 in the amount of € 76,448.04; granting body Italian Revenue Agency; fully used in 2022;
- Tax credits for energy-intensive companies Oct-Nov 2022, pursuant to Art. 1, p. 1 Italian Legislative Decree 114/2022 in the amount of € 33,577.22; granting body Italian Revenue Agency; partly used in 2022;
- Tax credits for energy-intensive companies Dec 2022, pursuant to Art. 1 Italian Legislative Decree 176/2022 in the amount of € 31,380.47; granting body Italian Revenue Agency; not used in 2022;
- Regional Income Tax deductions pursuant to Art. 11 of Italian Legislative Decree 446/97 equal to € 67,487, granting body Italian Revenue Agency.

Publication date: 30 June 2023

Transparency 2022

Regarding the transparency obligations outlined in Law No. 124 of 2017 and subsequent amendments, the following is pointed out:

BERARDI SAS announces that during 2021 it benefited from a discount in the form of a reduction in energy costs directly on the bill of an amount equal to € 73,619.43 (currently being defined). The Granting Authority was the Energy and Environmental Services Fund (CSEA);

The publication requirement does NOT apply if the amount of grants, contributions, paid assignments, and economic advantages of any kind received is less than €10,000 during the period in question.

Publication date: 25 November 2022

Berardi Imballaggi

Consortium member of:
Office hours:
Mon-Fri 06:30-12:30 14:30-17:00
Unloading hours: by 13:00
Via Don Primo Mazzolari, 7
70037 - Ruvo di Puglia (Bari) - Italy

Phone +39 080 361 26 38
Fax +39 080 360 07 68